Wisdom Classes

Join us for recorded conversations with our own dharma teachers. Wisdom Classes are our gift to our community to support everyday living for seekers in pursuit of their dharma.

The Decade Game with Carolyn Buck Luce

Join us for this fruitful conversation with Carolyn Buck Luce, a dazzling leadership coach, women’s empowerment speaker, author, and creator of The Decade Game.  Carolyn guides us to name where we really want to go. She helps us to reclaim our power in a deeply personal way and to merge that power with a crystal clear vision of our purpose. And now … we have the joy and honor of introducing you to Carolyn with our first ever FREE Dharma Laundry Wisdom Class!

To learn more about Carolyn, go here: https://www.mydecadegame.com/about

To learn more about the Decade Game, go here: https://www.mydecadegame.com/