the divine is in the daily

Dharma Laundry’s mission is to illuminate the divine in everyday living for seekers in pursuit of their dharma.

Are you wrestling with questions around your life’s meaning? Do you wonder how you alone could possibly make a difference in today’s world? Do you crave to share your love and care for the world but don’t know how or where to get started?

What you seek is seeking you.

The world aches for you to step fully into your life. It needs your medicine because there is none other like it. And this is the perfect time. 

Your dharma is your birthright. It’s a secret recipe deeply embedded within your personality, your passions, and your pursuits. We all have one. And like all things, your dharma can change.

Bumping up against confusion and uncertainty reflects your readiness to step into your highest Self and your truest nature. It’s simply a clear indicator that the time has come for you to unearth the sacred duty at the center of your life.

This is the work of your lifetime. This is what we aim to enliven through Dharma Laundry’s offerings. 

We hope you’ll join us on the path of naming and claiming your own dharma and living it full out!

Andrea & Kristin


Immerse yourself in a nourishing environment designed to help you reconnect with the truth of who you are and what you’re here to do.


Dive into a course of study to help you listen to and trust your inner knowing and unearth the sacred duty at the center of your life.